Vacations weren't easy those first years. There's enough to worry about and do when planning for a vacation with little ones.
Use the tips below so that work isn't 1 of them by purposefully disconnecting & re-entering.
So then you can focus on making memories (and all the other stuff 😉).
1) Define what “disconnecting” looks like for you
I encourage you to think about what "disconnecting" looks like for you specifically.
Because for some, this is making an agreement with yourself (i.e. boundary) to only check email once a day to make sure there are no "fires" to put out...and THAT might be a huge leap.
But for others, it might be taking the entire email app OFF your phone and not checking it at all (because you will get a direct CALL for anything urgent: see tip 2 below)
🤜 But whatever you choose, make sure you set yourself up for success by turning off notifications when you don't want to be getting them. Notifications interrupt the flow of presence and whatever you happen to be doing (or not doing) at the moment.
So curb that urge to "just check" when you have a free moment. Because it's not "free", it's meant to be used on you. Even if this means being a little bored. I mean, isn't that why we take vacations in the first place - to NOT DO some things?
2) Create a coverage plan you are confident in
You might literally be the only one who can do something or are in charge of certain decisions.
So how can you use this opportunity to coach up another team member or beef up your contingency plans?
That doesn’t make you a weaker leader or undedicated colleague, it makes you a better one because you are helping to create sustainable SYSTEMS.
Make a list of what “could” happen while you were gone that would legitimately need your immediate attention. And then, create clear expectations and a plan ahead of time.
Example: “Hey team, I will be away next week and not checking email. Katy will be handling X and Y. And if something like Z were to happen, please call my cell and leave a message (or have Katy be your gatekeeper and give her the power to make decisions & escalate if she feels it’s necessary).
💥 And you can leave this expectation very clearly on your away message or voicemail. Along with the agreement you defined with yourself how often you’d check email. 💥
3) Set up a re-entry plan
You will be able to disconnect with more ease if you have a re-entry plan for when you return. See my 5 tips for an easy re-entry in my previous newsletter here.
It involves blocking sufficient time (ahead of time) to sort out the important things immediately upon your return, and making it EASY for you to jump back in with some simple record keeping tricks you do BEFORE you leave.
So..what reason resonated with you the most❓❓❓
And what will YOU do on your next vacation/trip?😎